Products from Minco

Elit Instrument is one of the Global distribution partners for Minco, with the main focus, and responsible for, the European market. The products are stock standard sensors, instruments, and heaters. We deliver to gas, oil and energy projects, space applications & vehicles/transport.

Our main focus is to assist and guide our customers to the right products and deliver in time. To achieve this it’s critical for us to have a regular connection with our customer to understand their needs and work with forecast, frame orders and stock to avoid unnecessary disruption in supply chain, such as fluctuation in pricing and availability problems.

Our customers

  • If you need high quality products such as sensors, instruments, and heaters with complete traceability in production, calibration, Atex certificate or NASA approval to mention some examples, Elit is the partner for you.
  • If you need smaller quantities of products that we don´t keep in stock, we are still able to assist but it will take some time due to the need to consolidate several customer orders to achieve the minimum production capacity. If this is the case we need a complete Minco and quantity and we will prepare a quote as soon as possible.
  • Do you not have the complete Please see if you can find it in Minco´s catalogue in the section below under ’Documents’. There you will also find additional documentation which can be helpful. The standard way of building a Minco part number is to start from a model number followed by attributes like sensing type, lead wires, length and other attributes which you will see in the catalogue.

If any questions arrise you are welcome to contact us at [email protected] or +46(0)8-920830

Obsolete Minco models S102950-S102954, TC102960-TC102964, S102970-S102974

The S7xx/TC7xx models (B216681 certifications) currently are ATEX/IECEx certified for Ex ia, eb, ic, and ec in addition to certified for PESO (India). They will have Korean KSc Ex certification, and there is a plan to add CCC (China) and SIL certifications.

Under ’Documents’ you will find the cross-reference list showing the relation of standard and Ex minisensors, as well as the S7xx-TC7xx sell sheet that shows the specifications and order options for them.

Other Ex mini sensors that are planned to be phased out in favor of the S7xx/TC7xx series is

  • Models S207595-S207598, TC207600-TC207603 (ATEX/IECEx/Korean Ex nA):  Will be obsoleted once the current project to obtain Korean certs for S7xx/TC7xx series is complete.
  • Models S102617-S102619, S102662, TC102620-TC102622, TC102662 (Minco self-certified ATEX Ex nA):  please switch to orders for S7xx/TC7xx.



Höstens stora fastsättningsturné

Den 12-30 september ger sig Elit och Band-IT ut på vägarna igen med Expobussen. Enkel, snabb & stark fastsättning som passar överallt! Bakom ratten finns turnéledare Said Karim som är produktansvarig för Elits fastsättningssortiment.

Turen går genom Stockholmsområdet, Småland och Skåne med stopp hos företag inom en mängd olika branscher.  Under vissa delar av turnén kommer även representant från Band-IT:s vara med för att svara på frågor och bidra med åtskilliga år av fastsättningserfarenhet. Vill du också ha besök av Elits Expobuss och lära dig det mesta om snabb och start fastsättning? Kontakta Said på 0720 76 40 91 eller [email protected]

Ny signalomvandlare från Fema

FEMA presenterar I4L, en ny modell för I4-serien av signalomvandlare. I4L fungerar med lastcellsapplikationer och mätning av millivoltapplikationer. Den givna lösningen för dina applikationer med lastceller, spänningskraftsensorer och signaler i mVdc i allmänhet. I4L innehåller de vanliga funktionerna i I4-serien. 

Du känner redan till I4E-omvandlaren för elektriska signaler och I4P för process- och temperatursignaler. I4L tillför följande: Den levererar spänning till lastcellen och kompenserar automatiskt för variationer i den mottagna signalen. Excitationsspänningen och magnetiseringsströmvärdena som levereras till cellen, kan nås på frontdisplayen när man använder meddelandefunktionen.